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New Patients at
Kingsway Chiropractic Center In The Junction

If you’ve ever gone to a social event where you didn’t know anyone, you know how uncomfortable that can make you feel. Our goal is to eliminate every shred of apprehension and make you feel at home.

Since chiropractic care involves a series of visits, with each one building on the ones before, it’s important that our relationship can go the distance.

We’ve found that one of the best ways to have successful patient relationships is to explain everything in advance. No surprises! The more you understand who we are, what we do and why we do it, the better results you’ll enjoy. It’s as simple as that.


Upon arrival you will fill out a health history questionnaire (if you haven’t filled it out beforehand), followed by viewing a short informative video. The questionnaire is fairly lengthy, so it typically takes 30 minutes to complete. However, to expedite this process, the forms can be emailed to you to complete prior to your first visit.

Next, you will meet Dr. Amy in her office where she will go over in detail your health information and then perform a complete examination. This enables her to determine how she should proceed in terms of diagnostic tests and treatment. If possible, please bring copies of recent medical reports including x-rays, MRI’s, CT scans, bone scans, blood work, and an itemized list of current medications.

This process will take 60 minutes. In the event you request treatment on the first visit, please indicate this to Jennifer as additional time will be required. Even when desired, this may not always be possible due to Dr. Hunter requiring further information.

The subsequent visit is your Report of Findings. Initially, you will view one more short video. The Report of Findings is a meeting with Dr. Hunter, in order to review the results of your examination, and any further tests that she may have requested. During this meeting, questions are encouraged so that you have a good understanding of your condition and its causes.

Typically, a schedule of appointments is recommended in order for you to obtain optimal benefits from your chiropractic care. At this time your treatment will begin. Expect the duration of this visit to be 45 minutes.

Regular Visits

After the investment of time needed on the first and second visits, many patients become concerned that every visit will be of equal length. In a word: no. A typical visit may require just a few, highly-focused minutes. But don’t think the brevity of a regular visit lessens its value! With the groundwork laid, we can quickly size up your spine and nervous system, adjust you and get you on your way. Like a regular workout at the gym, each visit builds on the ones before. Miss a visit and we can lose the momentum necessary to make the needed changes.

Due to the individual nature of each complaint, patient, and their health status, each regular office visit could vary. We strive to give thorough, timely service.

Schedule Today

Contact us to make an appointment so we can get to know you and see how we can help.


New Patients at Kingsway Chiropractic Center In The Junction | (416) 236-9919